::Thursday, February 01, 2007::

Christiania - a shattered dream

I do miss my little hut in the woods of Sweden..

I left with the image in my head of a free hippe commune inthe centre of Copenhagen. )as was described to me by Dina, and lovely Finish visitor). Upon hearing about it, I immediately decided to papck my bags and head on down, looking for work for food and bed, but more to meet and mingle with some likeĀ“minded people in life.

I walked the hour or so from the train station, not stopping to look or emmerse myself in copenhagen in any way, as I didnt quite like the bustle after the sleepy sway of the forest. I did have a small gift though and found myself walking alongside a bunch of school kids on a stroll through the streets. 8 or 9 years old, full of life, laugfhter and positive energy, and well, I found comfort by their side.

But upon walking through the Gates of Christiania, first erected in '71 as a push against anything antiĀ“social, and all I dound was a haven for drug pushers, fires in the street with some dodgy looking characters standing around and simply a very dark and dire place. I had told myself I would sit and wait and see what heppened, so I did. But the only response or approach I got was fgrom a friendly but hungry dog. One smile from what looked like one of tghe original members of such a place, but the rest was colourless and quite a cold emotion.

It seemed to be the place that now has become a simple backdoor hangout of those looking for a bit of loitering. A touch dissapointing considering the dream i had in mind od a wonderfully colourful atmosphere of freedom.

So I dragged myself sourly to the YHA and handed over a large percentage of what I have left for a bed and then learned that Christiania the 'commune' was raided and shut down by the fearful politicians.

So now where..??

tim out but not down..

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