How do I end up in these places??
with much gratitude!
My second day in this wall-ed hut in the company of my fallen and flourishing friends of this deciduous forest, I had a moment of doubt as to whether this is where I am meant to be right now. With the fire going, I sat unable to read, unable to relax and enjoy peace, forgetting the unpredictable steps that brought me to this place and the excitement I had the day before.
This in mind I gazed out the window to observe what I assumed at the time to be the wind blowing gales and carrying with it a multitude of autumn leaves that have layered the floor of this dense forest, but as I peered out the window closer, I could see no effects of the winds in the canopy of the bare trees, still though, the sky was full of a dense congregation of fast flying objects filling the overcast sky.
Closer observation revealed that the sight I was seeing was a mass migration of thousands of little finch like birds with their wings flapping at a rate of knots undetectable to the naked eye and then ceasing to let the little creature fall slightly before being caught once more of the urgency of the flap.
I stepped outside into the raging torrent of a river of life above and stood in awe of what I was witnessing, firstl with the knowledge that I was the only person observing such a sight, and secondly fering that they would spot me and dive with acute accuracy and with their little bombs splatter me in a see of white poo. (actually this never came to mind, but the sheer number of them could have fattened if they so desired) The surge continued for a solid fiften minutes, waves but still a constant flow, all seeking refuge among th forest floorwhere they sat in community and scrummaged for insects. Spreading the leaves in a dance of little gusts of wind. Thousands upon thousands of the converged and if I took a step closer a whole hord would leave the rou creating mini hurricanes and a thunderous sound.
And still the river flowed above.I was counting a thousand every 15 or so seconds. You could see frequent little battles above as they qsueezd their mass population in the small sky. Swooping. Ducking. Diving. Attack and Evade.
I was very grateful I had my moment of doubt at that time which allowed me to gaze ou the window!
be happy
tim out
My second day in this wall-ed hut in the company of my fallen and flourishing friends of this deciduous forest, I had a moment of doubt as to whether this is where I am meant to be right now. With the fire going, I sat unable to read, unable to relax and enjoy peace, forgetting the unpredictable steps that brought me to this place and the excitement I had the day before.
This in mind I gazed out the window to observe what I assumed at the time to be the wind blowing gales and carrying with it a multitude of autumn leaves that have layered the floor of this dense forest, but as I peered out the window closer, I could see no effects of the winds in the canopy of the bare trees, still though, the sky was full of a dense congregation of fast flying objects filling the overcast sky.
Closer observation revealed that the sight I was seeing was a mass migration of thousands of little finch like birds with their wings flapping at a rate of knots undetectable to the naked eye and then ceasing to let the little creature fall slightly before being caught once more of the urgency of the flap.
I stepped outside into the raging torrent of a river of life above and stood in awe of what I was witnessing, firstl with the knowledge that I was the only person observing such a sight, and secondly fering that they would spot me and dive with acute accuracy and with their little bombs splatter me in a see of white poo. (actually this never came to mind, but the sheer number of them could have fattened if they so desired) The surge continued for a solid fiften minutes, waves but still a constant flow, all seeking refuge among th forest floorwhere they sat in community and scrummaged for insects. Spreading the leaves in a dance of little gusts of wind. Thousands upon thousands of the converged and if I took a step closer a whole hord would leave the rou creating mini hurricanes and a thunderous sound.
And still the river flowed above.I was counting a thousand every 15 or so seconds. You could see frequent little battles above as they qsueezd their mass population in the small sky. Swooping. Ducking. Diving. Attack and Evade.
I was very grateful I had my moment of doubt at that time which allowed me to gaze ou the window!
be happy
tim out
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